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Huwebes, Disyembre 8, 2011

The dilemma of choice

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme 

Never before in the world’s history has so much depended on the decisions now being made, behind closed doors, in the political power-centres of the planet. At long last, the political and economic realities of the present world crisis have persuaded the men of power to address these problems. On their deliberations rests the future well-being of the world.

Until now, the ‘first world’ nations have taken for granted their favoured position in world affairs, and have organized economic power to their own advantage. For the first time, they turn their attention now to the fact of ‘third world’ deprivation, and look for mutually beneficial solutions to the many issues which endanger world stability. Hearkening to the cry for succour from the poorer nations, the rich prepare at last to contemplate the inevitable: the need to share. This represents a vital shift in attitudes and augurs well for the future.

Door to reality

Whether or not these deliberations find expression in concrete actions and proposals, the door to reality and common sense has been opened, a glimpse of the possible, however momentary and imperfect, has been taken. This will lead, in due course, to a ready response to Maitreya’s recommendations; willingly and gladly, or not at all, must men accept the needed changes.

That they will accept them is not in doubt: the alternative, terrible to contemplate, would end for ever man’s sojourn on Earth. History tells us that man, infinitely adaptable, has survived many crises and dangers — always, however belatedly, his instinct to preserve the race has saved him from destruction.

As he stands at the threshold of the new era, man faces, once again, the dilemma of choice.

Elder Brothers
In past crises, man has been aided, often from behind the scenes, by his Elder Brothers. This time, a new situation pertains and, in full vision and fact, the Brothers will extend Their counsel and insight. Thus will men be aided in their choices and decisions; thus will they take the shortest path to Truth.

Informed and guided by Maitreya and His Group, men will quickly end the worst divisions in this divided world: mass poverty and starvation will fade from sight and memory; old wounds will be healed, past wrongs forgiven.

Thus will the sons of men recommence their journey into their divinity. Under the leadership of Maitreya and His Brothers, they will know the meaning and purpose of their lives and, dedicating themselves to the establishment of the Divine Plan, will recognize each other as Divine Sons of God. Thus will it be; and thus will the travail of the Great Lord be complete. The timing of His emergence has been determined. The world will see Him forthwith.

From the June 1995 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.

Co-workers with God

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme 

Looked at from Our vantage point, the present situation of the world is not without its problems and dangers, but nevertheless carries within it the seeds of change and hope for the future. What that future precisely will be depends on man himself and his readiness for a radical transformation of his attitudes and actions.

Without doubt, were man to stumble forward blindly, alone, his cause were as good as lost, for he lacks as yet the wisdom to restrain his power; he lacks the will to implement his higher aspirations; he lacks, above all, the love for his brother which would end forever much of the misery in the world.

Happily for the world, man is not alone. Behind him stand, and have always stood, the Elder Brothers of the race, ready to succour Our ailing younger brethren when the call for help rises to Us. Once again that call has come and We respond with joy. Without Our help, man's plight would be sorry indeed. So far has he strayed from the Path of Truth that even the least wise see the dangers. The foolhardy, however, ignoring the quicksands, continue to play their game of chance.

A new order

When you see Us, you will see men who have made before you the journey back to God. You will recognize in Us divine characteristics potential in yourselves. Thus will you know your future glory. Out of the present chaos shall We inspire a new order; from the hatreds and divisions shall we create harmony and peace, while from doubt and fear shall We engender meaning, faith and joy.

We come to serve, to teach and to work together with you. We know your problems and We know, too, the solutions to these problems. We can see, and hold in reverence, the inner divinity of men, and await, with confidence, its manifestation when evoked by Us.

This will lead to a new situation on the Earth. God, through Us, and man will come together. From that divine at-one-ment will flow the new civilization, and into man's hands will be placed the power of the Creator. Man will find himself a co-worker with God.

The Forerunners
Presently, the world will know of Our existence. For long have We prepared to come before you and do so now in a spirit of joy. Know that there is naught that you suffer that We have not suffered; there is no pain or humiliation which We have not known; your failures have been Our failures, your faltering steps Ours. On the self-same path have We achieved and offer you the fruits of that achievement. We are the forerunners, the Pointers on the Way.

Now is approaching the time of regeneration. Now commences the Era of Truth. First, Maitreya. Then We shall be seen.

Crisis and promise

The present is a time of crisis and promise. The New struggles to find form. The Old strives to survive amidst the destined change. Humanity is ready for the next step; the long sleep is ending; the sleepers awake. The call to freedom and joy echoes in the hearts of the peoples and stirs them to action. Little time there is now to prepare. Soon the face of Maitreya will be seen. He alone can bridge the divisions among the nations and bring them, trusting, to each other's aid.

From the November 1984 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.

Continuity of Consciousness

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme

Within humanity today a growing number of people are achieving continuity of consciousness and are thus retaining the experiences of the sleep state. This makes for faster evolution as no time is lost in waiting for the filtering down of information to the brain to take place. It also ensures the reception of more accurate information leading to more correct action and results.

This is the way forward for humanity. Until now, the break in consciousness between the waking and sleeping states has proved an obstacle to large scale advance. More than anything else, it has kept humanity in ignorance of the true nature of reality, and, consequently in superstition and fear.

Nearly a third of life is spent asleep and much information is given and received during that period. Many are the experiences which may be had and known, enriching the life of every individual. Never before, on a large scale, has the opportunity been present for a gradual shift in consciousness to take place. Already, a large group stands ready to achieve this continuity, lacking only the practical techniques for its achievement.

Soon, steps will be taken to make more known and available the information already given on the subject. Much has been imparted which awaits study and application; few, today, realize the treasure-chest of instruction which has been recorded and published.

Mental polarization is the key to this achievement. Correct alignment of the astral and physical bodies provides the basis on which mental polarization can gradually be built. This achieved, continuity of consciousness naturally unfolds. There are, of course, degrees of this achievement and the process covers a considerable period of time.

Much has been written about the need for spiritual detachment. This quality most readily provides the field for the correct interpretation of phenomena and information carried over from the sleep state. Otherwise, despite continuous consciousness, much distortion can ensue.

Spiritual detachment results from decentralization. Through service and correct meditation, the orientation of the disciple shifts from his limited self to the not-self. This begets a state of divine indifference in which desire subsides and the true inner man can appear.

With his appearance, the way is open for continuity of consciousness to begin. Safely, the out-of-body experience can be correctly registered and known, and a new chapter opened in the life of the disciple. The halls of Learning or of Wisdom become his conscious fields of knowledge, depending on his level on the Path.

So far, we have discussed only the continuity of consciousness between the sleep and waking states. A further expansion of awareness awaits the disciple who can bridge the gap between the two great areas of experience to which we give the names of life and death.

Life alone exists. Death is but the name for another level of experience of life, continuous and unbroken except for man's limited consciousness. The time is coming in which the experience we call death, the intervening period, and the return to outer manifestation will be recalled in full consciousness by the man. Then will man lose the fear of death and reap the harvest of the inner planes of knowledge and bliss in total awareness of his true identity as a Son of God.

From the November 1987 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.

The Common Good

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme 

As the millennium draws ever nearer, it becomes increasingly evident that new values are gradually entering the minds and hearts of humanity. No longer are millions, erstwhile all but slaves, prepared to tolerate their lot; they rise against the tyranny which oppresses them and demand a better life.
Elsewhere, a new concern for honesty and the rule of law calls into question and condemns the corruption and laissez-faire of the recent past. A new sense of responsibility for others grips the conscience of many who seek to serve their brothers and sisters around the world. From whence comes this cleansing power, this salutary Grace?
For many years now, Maitreya has focused in the world the energy of the Spirit of Peace or Equilibrium. This mighty, cosmic avatar is changing, under our eyes, the fabric of men’s lives. Through His beneficent power, that which destroyed and tore apart is rendered harmless and benign; that which separates and divides now seeks to bring together. In equal measure, in opposite balance, Action and Reaction impose their restoring rhythm, and bring harmony to the world.
When Maitreya works openly, men will see more clearly the working of this great Law.

Meanwhile, the old order crumbles, driven to the edge by its own extremes. Men are witnessing the collapse of the Empire of Greed, the tyranny of market forces, the freebooter’s heyday. From now on, the tendency in all affairs will be towards the Common Good. That which works for and upholds the Common Good will flourish; that which works against will wither away. Thus will the new forms and institutions fulfil the needs of all men.
The time is soon coming when the Common Weal will be the benchmark by which all actions are judged. Thus will be safeguarded the integrity of the new.

Many are clamouring for change yet fear its advent, so influenced are their minds by established institutions and media. When Maitreya, soon, emerges, men will realize that the changes which He will advocate are for the betterment of all men, that no group need fear the future. Thus will the Great Lord work to unite the forces for Good, to invoke the latent Goodwill in all.
Soon, Maitreya will begin His process of emergence, appearing before the people in many public broadcasts. Thus will He gain the interest and attention of the masses whose voices will call for His Declaration.
Thus will the Teacher fulfil His pledge to return among men and to lead them into a new and higher light. Thus will it be, and thus will men begin again their journey to the stars. 

From the January/February 1999  issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.

The Coming Century

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme

When mankind nears a moment of major crisis it reacts in one of two ways: either it falls into apathy, awaiting, fatalistically, the inevitable, or else it is galvanized into indiscriminate action and runs in all directions without sense or purpose. Today, at this time of change, it is the latter reaction which holds sway. Everywhere, men act as if the future no longer exists, as if they represent the ending of meaning and value on Earth. Greed has taken hold of their hearts and senses, and, as if in dream, they walk wild-eyed to the precipice.
Thus it is that men approach the coming century: many in fear and most in doubt. They know nothing of the marvels which await mankind’s astonished eyes. They know less of the wonders which they, themselves, will one day perform. Ignorant and afraid, they grasp blindly at all that they can hold in greedy hands, thinking that thus they may be safe, and secure from future loss.

While many live thus, there is a growing number who are awakening to a different view, who see the possibility of undreamed of harmony, and who resist both apathy and chaos. As yet, they are the minority, but soon the forces of chaos will succumb to their vision of justice and peace; a new world will be born from their fearless hold on life and creative action. These men and women of goodwill will challenge the old concepts of division and strife, and, stage by stage, will reconstruct the world. Thus will it be. Not alone but guided and inspired by Maitreya and His Brothers, this group of stout hearts will wax strong and influential, eagerly encouraged by the following masses.
In a short time, major inroads will be made into solving the many problems which afflict mankind today: hunger and oppressive poverty and the denial of basic rights; destructive competition among the nations and environmental decay; ethnic bigotry and the army of refugees which results; above all, the scourge of war.

When men realize that these problems are solvable naught will for long delay their ending. With a will, men will tackle them one by one, with growing understanding of the urgency and the means.
Maitreya and His growing group of Masters will show the way, outline the possibilities and pitfalls, encourage and inspire. Men, themselves, will set in place the framework of the new world, born out of necessity, out of a longing for justice and peace, for the establishment of brotherhood and the rule of divine law.

From the July-August 1998 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.

The choice is man's

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme

The importance of being alive at this time is that it provides to all the opportunity to serve the Plan and the planet as never before. No one, today, should feel excluded from this unique opportunity, however humble or restricted their circumstances --the planet belongs to all and the Plan involves all.
More and more, the planet's precarious state of imbalance, created by man's misuse, sounds a warning note which men ignore at their peril. The very breath by which men live is threatened, the air, polluted and poisoned, wreaks havoc on the lives of many millions.
Into this crisis has come Maitreya. He knows the dangers better than any man. What can he do to help men save themselves from further suffering, and to restore the planet to full and vibrant health?

Karmic Law
The Karmic Law controls the nature and the scope of the aid that he may give. Advice and guidance will be man's for the asking but men must be prepared to change the present modes of living to ensure the planet's future and the future of their children. The resources of the Earth are finite but with good husbandry and sharing, adequate for the needs of all.
Men must, therefore, redefine these needs, and enter into a new and truer understanding of the meaning and the purpose of their lives. This will come when a measure, even, of sharing has replaced the present destructive competition, and led man away from the precipice edge. The choice is man's: to share and flourish, or to continue in deadly competition and together die.
That men will choose the way of Life is not in doubt --the hearts of men, when tested, are found ever to be sound.

The Plan
Thus will men be readied for the next phase of the Plan: the establishment of Right Human Relationships, the expression through men of the love nature of God.
Many, today, doubt that such an ideal is capable of fulfillment, given the manifested selfishness and greed of humanity today. Nevertheless, We know that within the hearts of all men burns the same aspiration for Justice and Brotherhood, the same hope of ending the fear that underlies the selfishness and greed.
We, your elder brothers, have known that same greed, that same selfish desire and fear. That we have conquered is the guarantee that all men can do the same. We do not doubt. We know that man will rise to the test – and triumph.

From the November 1997 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.

The age of miracles has no end

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme 

Increasingly, men are becoming aware that the 'age of miracles' has not ended but, on the contrary, waxes strong throughout the world. Recent manifestations have shaken to the core the complacent certainties of millions. Intensive media interest has guaranteed a world-wide audience for future miraculous events which will astonish, even more, believer and sceptic alike. The door has thus been opened through which Maitreya can emerge -- and be accepted as the force behind the miracles.

Thus has been prepared a twofold approach to the hearts and minds of men: modern communications will ensure that the thoughts and words, the ideas and hopes, of Maitreya will reach millions in the privacy of their homes; while miraculous manifestations will engage the attention of countless millions more throughout the world. Already, the name of Maitreya is being linked to recent happenings in temples East and West.


Very soon, therefore, men can expect to hear that the Teacher awaited by all is, indeed, among us. That He lives, and presents His living teaching for the greater livingness of all. Soon, men will know that their long wait is over, that the world has been prepared for an event greater than the mind can contemplate; an event surpassing all in the long history of Earth.

Never before, in the known history of man, have the Masters walked openly among men. For the first time in countless ages will They thus conduct Their myriad tasks of succour. In this way, a new link will be forged between the world of men and that of their Elder Brothers. Men will seek to emulate the qualities of these Perfected Ones, and through such inspiration and example, the evolution of the race will proceed apace. Thus will it be. Thus will the Guardians bring to bear Their knowledge and experience for the benefit of all.


Those engaged in the work of preparation may take courage from the recent world-wide miraculous events, for they presage the imminent appearance of Maitreya before men. Those who have worked to spread the knowledge of His presence will know that their efforts were not in vain; that the world needed their service; that they gave of their best in answer to their heart's call. They will know, too, that the thanks and love of Maitreya go with them all their days.

Miracles abound, and will continue to astonish; the forlorn hopes of so-called scientists and experts will prove of no avail to discount the evidence of men's eyes. Turning their minds to the hope which these manifestations engender, men will connect them with the wise words of Maitreya, and follow His lead.

From the November 1995 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.

A Call to Service

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme 

Within the limits set by his present level of consciousness, man has created much. Nowhere is this more apparent than in his scientific achievements, his art, his engineering and architectural skills. Many geniuses have arisen to show the way, men and women dedicated to the task of enriching the culture of our time. Thus, as we stand on the threshold of the Aquarian experience, many new possibilities are opening up for man, calling him onwards to fulfil his potential — a divinity waiting to be revealed. Viewed from Our standpoint, this is but a beginning, a preparation for the creation of a civilization such as man has never known; a civilization which will not alone rival but far surpass the most brilliant of ancient times. Then, as We do now, the Masters led the way, but openly, known as the bestowers of knowledge and truth. The wheel has turned and We retrace Our steps.

The Elders

Soon, the world will see the return to the world of the Elders of the race, the Knowers, the Sons of God. Prophecy has foretold Our advent and quickened the expectancy of the disciples, but many such sleep soundly, oblivious to the happenings of the time. There are many who await Our coming with aspiration but envisage it in a far future time. Know they not that Our hand knocks now upon the door? Awake, friends! Awake, workers for the good! We need all who would work with Us to transform the world. We need your aspiration, your joy. Your hope and trust We cherish. Make ready to see Us and to welcome Us into your lives.

There is no need to fear Our return. We embody the Centre of Love. That is Our nature and invokes Our service. Know this to be so and fear not. We shall be with you as Elder Brothers, to show you the way. For long have We awaited this opportunity to serve you, counting the years till We can be among you. When you see Us you will know that the time of the end and of the beginning has come: the end of the old separation; the beginning of partnership.

Plan of Salvation

There is now afoot a plan of salvation for the world. This involves the co-operation of all those who long to serve the world. To serve today is not difficult, for the means of service lie to hand and the Earth itself cries out for succour. Choose your field of service and endow it with ardour, knowing that as you do so your soul will equip you for the task. Know, too, that Our hand will strengthen yours and share the burden. 

Certain it is that much needs changing; the tempo of that change will depend on you. We rely on your cooperation to carry out the details of the plan. Service calls the vanguard of the new civilization to build the foundations of tomorrow's better world. Take your places in that roll-call and aid Us in the work of salvage. Pass it not by when the hour has struck!

From the May 1986 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.

The Bringers of Treasure

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme.

It will not be long before the Masters make known Their appearance in the world. With Their leader, the Lord Maitreya, They, too, have awaited the opportunity to emerge and to take Their places openly among men. For long have They known that this day would come; for long have They prepared Themselves for Their arduous task. Notwithstanding the completeness of Their evolution and understanding, it is no easy duty that They are called upon to perform. Not for nothing have They trained Themselves to work on the inner and the outer planes, for that simultaneous action is crucial to the externalization of Their service.


We know that Our appearance will change the lot of men. We know that Our experience and wisdom will serve men well. We know and comprehend the enormity of the problems which await solution. We are not daunted but approach the new day with joy. Nevertheless, We recognize the necessity of men’s co-operation and trust. We know We cannot, under law, act alone. A new and closer relationship between men and Us will become the order of the day, and thus shall We forge a ladder of ascent by which means many, becoming ready, in due course will enter Our ranks. Thus shall it be.

Not everyone who knows of Our existence expects Our imminent appearance. Caution and doubt prevail in the hearts of the learned and blind them to the truth. Soon, however, like all the world, they, too, will rejoice that the Masters have returned, that the Mentors are among men, that the Elder Brothers walk once more on the Earth. Together, We shall create the new forms and institutions to enable a better expression of that divinity which rests potential in all men. Together, We shall bring order from the present chaos and control the destruction which inspires the present anguish. Together, too, We shall enter deeply into the meaning of life, unfolding new capacities and insights. A new science, inspired by Us, will adorn the new civilization and lend men the appearance of Gods. Thus shall men enter into their birthright and understand the ways of God.


When you see Us, remember that We once were men like you. Remember that We are a mirror reflecting your future and can show you the way to that future. We come to teach and to inspire and to lead men out of darkness into light. We have seen a measure of that light and know well its radiance. We offer to share with you, humanity, Our treasure.

From the April 1992 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.

The Blueprint of the future

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme

When men see Maitreya in full and open view, they will find much to admire: His grace and joy; His modest wisdom and all-inclusive love; His readiness to share all that He has and is with men of every station. His humility will astound, His knowledge, vast and deep beyond measuring, will reveal to men the paucity of their own. Thus will they turn to Him for guidance and, sure of His concern, become again the students and earnest seekers they once were. Thus will it be, and thus will the Great Lord present to men the Blueprint of the future. That future holds for men such wonders that few today could comprehend them.

Divine origin
Imagine then a future where no man lacks for aught. Where the talents and creativity of all men demonstrate their divine origin. Where war has no place in their thoughts and where goodwill casts its benevolent net over the hearts and minds of all.
Imagine cities of light lit by Light Itself; nowhere to be found the squalor and deprivation of today; imagine transport, fast and silent, powered by light alone, the far-off worlds and even the stars brought within our reach. Such a future awaits the men and women who have the courage to share.
Such a future awaits those brave ones who love Freedom.
Such a glorious future awaits those who long to understand the meaning and purpose of life.

First priority
Maitreya, too, awaits His opportunity to emerge and to begin, openly, His Mission. He, too, grows impatient with the long wait. But the Law rules all and Maitreya abides lovingly by its wisdom. Nevertheless, the time is very near when the Great Lord can emerge and speak directly to men. This being so, those whose task it is to prepare His way have but little time in which to do so. Make that then your first priority, leaving all else aside.
As always, the free will of men may not be jeopardized. Thus it is that His name will not accompany His first appearances, allowing men themselves to ascertain His worth. As a man among men will He appear, voicing aloud His brothers’ needs and thoughts.
In time, so many will respond that His true identity and stature can be confirmed. This time is expected to be short but the pace of recognition lies in the hands of men themselves. The present phase of miracles, now world-wide, will continue and accompany this process until no-one can deny its significance at this time.
Thus the world will be won over and prepared for change. Thus the call will go out from the people of all the nations for the Avatar to speak, and thus will Maitreya answer that call and declare His mission and purpose.
That silent declaration will announce the start of the New Era: of peace, of sharing, justice and freedom; the awakening of men to their divinity, and the creation by men of a civilization wrought in the form of God’s Plan. 

From the October 1999 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.


by the Master –,  through Benjamin Creme 

Humanity today stands poised for a great leap into the future, a future in which man's essentially divine nature will demonstrate. Little though he may know this, man has passed and is passing the tests which will allow him, in full adulthood, to become the recipient of knowledge and powers with which to fashion the future.
At present, only to the inner vision of the Guides of the Race may this reality be clear, but such it is, and portends well for the coming time. Wherever men may gather today, can be seen and felt a new urgency, a new sense of commitment to the well-being of the planet and its kingdoms.
Only now, after aeons spent in the struggle for existence and progress, can man be said to have reached maturity, a maturity discernible to Us, albeit well hidden from man himself.
The opportunity arises now for a major advance in human progress, outstripping by far, in speed and accomplishment, all previous advances. Whereas, until now, a slow and steady progress was desirable, and even preferable, a new dynamic rhythm is being created whose momentum will sweep humanity into the future on a wave of global change. So great are the tensions in today's divided world that only a rapid change of direction will prevent catastrophe. This rapid change, there is no doubt, will present problems of adjustment to many, but many more, by far, will welcome these changes as the opportunity for new life.
We, the Toilers behind the scenes, have every confidence that humanity will set in motion this radical transformation of its structures. They no longer serve man's needs and block the emergence of the new. We watch and guide, overseeing all.
Little by little, a new consciousness is awakening humanity to its inner needs. The old, competitive spirit dies hard, but nevertheless a new spirit of Cooperation is likewise to be seen. This augurs well for the future, for it is by Cooperation alone that mankind will survive; by Cooperation alone that the new civilization will be built; by Cooperation only that men can know and demonstrate the inner truth of their divinity.
Cooperation is the natural result of right relationship. Right relationship likewise follows wise Cooperation. Cooperation holds the key to all successful group effort and is a manifestation of divine goodwill. Without Cooperation nothing lasting can be achieved, for Cooperation brings into synthesis many diverse points of view.
Cooperation is another word for Unity. Unity and Cooperation are the springboards to the future and the guarantee of achievement for all men. Great reservoirs of power lie untapped within humanity, waiting for the magic of Cooperation to unleash.
Competition strains the natural order; Cooperation liberates the goodwill in men. Competition cares only for the self, whereas Cooperation seeks to blend and fuse the many-coloured strands of the one divine life.
Competition has led man to the precipice; Cooperation alone will help him find the path.
The old and backward-looking love competition; the new embrace with joy divine Cooperation.
The people of the world can be divided into two kinds; those who compete, and those who co-operate.
Cleanse the heart of the stain of competition; open the heart to joyful Cooperation.

From the December 1984 issue of Share International
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him.